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PALAD issues endorsements in local, municipal, statewide, and national elections. Consequently, PALAD takes positions on statewide and local ballot measures and may also endorse in nonpartisan elections such as judicial office elections.


Per our Bylaws last amended on January 23, 2020, PALAD may not endorse candidates or ballot measures in contradiction to those endorsed by the State or County Democratic Party, however, non-endorsed candidates or ballot measures seeking our support may ask for our “no endorsement” vote. If CADEM and/or LACDP has not made an endorsement in a race or ballot measure then PALAD can make an endorsement. The Endorsements Committee shall be composed of members of the Board. 


Only candidates endorsed by PALAD may be eligible to receive campaign contributions from PALAD. If you have any questions, please email the PALAD Board at

[Closed] Special Election: State Senate District 30

Requirements to Apply:

  1. Must be registered with the Democratic Party.

  2. Download, complete, and submit the Candidate Endorsement Application (application period is closed) to Please submit as a Word or PDF document. 

  3. Pay a $50 application fee OR register to become a PALAD member.

  4. Attend and speak at PALAD Endorsements Meeting on Sunday, February 7 at 2:00pm (not public).


Upon completion of the application, PALAD will confirm receipt and your application will be reviewed by the Endorsements Committee. The Endorsements Committee will deliberate, vote, and finalize the official endorsements from PALAD and announce publicly on the website at 


Timeline and Deadlines: 

  • Application Filing Period: Monday, January 18, 2021 - Monday, February 1, 2021

  • [Extended] Application Deadline: Friday, February 5, 2021 by 5:00pm PST

  • Review Begins by Endorsements Committee: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 

  • Endorsements Meeting with Endorsements Committee (not public): Sunday, February 7, 2021, 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

  • Endorsements Announcement: Wednesday, February 10, 2021

For reference, here are the current endorsements of the LA County Democratic Party: 

2021 Endorsed Candidates

State Senate, District 30

  • Assemblymember Sydney Kamlager

[Closed] Special Election: State Assembly District 54

Requirements to Apply:

  1. Must be registered with the Democratic Party.

  2. Download, complete, and submit the Candidate Endorsement Application (application period is closed) to Please submit as a Word or PDF document. 

  3. Pay a $50 application fee OR register to become a PALAD member.

  4. Attend and speak at PALAD Endorsements Meeting on Sunday, April 25, 2021 (not public).


Upon completion of the application, PALAD will confirm receipt and your application will be reviewed by the Endorsements Committee. The Endorsements Committee will deliberate, vote, and finalize the official endorsements from PALAD and announce publicly on the website at 

For reference, here are the current endorsements of the LA County Democratic Party: 

2021 Endorsed Candidates

State Assembly, District 54

  • Isaac Bryan

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